Friday, February 27, 2009

Photoshop Actions

Hello everyone!! I know I've sort of neglected this little blog of mine for the past week and some of my friends who are my faithful readers also asked me to update the blog but even thou this post might not be of much interest to them, at least I'm blogging hahaha :P

This past week I finally got Photoshop CS3 YAY!!!! so I inmediately started looking for actions and since EVERYONE brags about Totally Rad Actions I thought I would give them a try so I downloaded their sample kit. I also found some free (yes FREE) actions online that are great!!......AND..........I got some cool actions from the Fabulous Jamie Delaine .

I've been playing around with some actions on 2 pictures from Claudia and Hugo's engagement session (2 post down) and I've LOVED the end results..............I know I have a lot to learn about PS but I'm excited to see what I can create.... :D

Here are the examples I did......PLEASE let me know what you think......I would LOVE to hear if you like them or not.....any criticism is welcome, just be nice and polite please......

I have a couple of posts that I'l be hopefully posting this next week so stay tune.................

*Ana Rebeca*

LOVE LOVE this one:


Anonymous said...

Oh! Finally you updated your blog ! yay ! I love your pictures... I do not know anything about what you talk about, but I know you are getting better ever time ! I am so excited to see that you are such an amazing photographer ! Love you my lovely Ana Rebeca !


Sarah Barlow said...

OHhh!! Awesome job!! Isn't photoshop just so much fun!??!? :) I LOVE the first two actions the best!!! Keep experimenting and creating your own variations...that is the MOST fun!!