Thursday, July 17, 2008

ENGAGEMENT: Monica and Milton

This is a very special post for me, since the pictures are of my little sister and my future brother in-law :P
Kristen Snyder was in town serving at Rancho 3M orphanage last week and she offered to take some engagement pictures of Monica and Milton at the Ranch so my dad and I tagged along. This shoot gave me the opportunity to serve them and to practice since me and my uncle will be the photographers at their wedding in 3 weeks!!!

Monica: I LOVE YOU...even thou I might not show it sometimes. I'm very happy to see that you have grown to be a Godly woman and I'm very excited to see how God keeps on blessing you thru this new stage in your life.
Milton: I love you too.....Take care of my baby sister. Welcome to the family :P

Here are some pics.....I'll upload the slideshow as soon as I can .... Enjoy :D


I'm Kristen said...

LOOOVE the 4th one! But they are all excellent! Sheesh, you didn't need me there at all :D You are gooood!

Danette said...

Gorgeous =o)

brittany said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! Ana, your pictures are SO good! i love how you captured the light, and made all of the pictures glow. yay! i'm so glad you're such a wonderful photographer! :)

Ana Rebeca Contreras said...

Wow....thank you guys for all the feedback....
Kris: I like your company and all the suggestions you can give me..thank you for letting me borrow the 50mm hehehe
Danette: Thanks!!!
Britt: I miss you girl!!!

Emily said...

Wow, it's hard to believe that Monica is getting married! How fun!! What a treat to get to photograph your own sister's engagement pics. Great job!