Tuesday, September 9, 2008

JUST BECAUSE: Alex & Anayancy

Alex and Anayancy met about a year ago at church...They started a courtship 6 months ago and are now waiting to see what God's plan for their lives and their relationship is. You see, Alex is attending the Sovereign Grace Ministries Pastors College in Gaithersburg, MD while Anayancy is here in Juarez, Mexico. I love the way Anayancy has supported Alex in this phase in his life, I bet it's hard to know that your boyfriend will be out of town for the next 10 months ( I know it would be hard on me if it was Armando the one leaving) I love how Alex has cared for Anayancy's heart during this time and I LOVE how their faces light up everytime they get the chance to talk to each other.
Before Alex left for Maryland, he asked me if I could take some pictures of them together since neither of them had pictures of each other and I WAS DELIGHTED to do so.
Since he wanted to surprise Anayancy he gave her a blank photo frame and she was like: "Oh a frame...umm Thanks" hahaha but then he told her what it was for and she started laughing 'cause she was really happy :D

Alex, we miss you but we know that God has big plans for you. Anayancy, Thank you for your friendship!!
Alex & Anayancy: The way you guys honor God in your relationship is a great example to me. I love you two very much, I hope you like the pictures!!!

***edit*** Alex asked me to put this up regarding what I said about his relationship with Anayancy:
"You make me tremble with what you said about my courtship being an example to you. I have to confess that only by the Grace of God we haven't derailed by one simple reason: the help of the church. The care that the pastors and my care group have given us has made the difference in my courtship. If I could encourage someone to imitate from us is to recognized that it's not an easy process, to recognized that out of the Grace of God we couldn't honor him in this and to ask the church for help. Examples like Armando asking me how it's going and encouraging me to honor GOD has made the difference" Alex A.

I'll post the slideshow once I'm able to upload it.... :D

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